“The Tastemaker”



  1. The Tastemaker

“The Tastemaker” is an exclusive studio outtake included only in the one-of-a-kind Ultra Deluxe Music Product on Obsolete Media Limited Edition of One version of The Future Bites.

Steven Wilson gave permission to the purchaser (me) to choose whether they wanted to share the song with the world, or wanted to keep it private. I am choosing to share it here for all fans…

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MP3 at 320kbps
Lossy, but plays on most devices.

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FLAC at 24bit/96kHz
Lossless, but may not play on all devices.

I recorded my very first play of this unique 7″ using an Ortofon Bronze stylus feeding a Cambridge Solo preamp, captured at 24bit/192kHz by a Tascam DA-3000. I then cleaned up that needledrop by hand in iZotope’s RX, removing each pop and tick individually so as not to just run the de-click plugin across the whole track and destroy the transients. Then the tiniest bit of EQ moves were applied to deal with some turntable rumble.

"The Tastemaker" Music Video

Directed by Alan Lastufka.

Watch the Behind the Scenes